Robert Frank Paris couple holding hands, year 1952

Robert Frank: Sideways, at Bowdoin College, September 15, 2016 - January 29, 2017


The Pennwick Foundation

The Pennwick Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to broadening public awareness of art.  In addition to publishing a variety of books, catalogues, and electronic media on topics including, but not limited to, fine art, photography, and film, the Pennwick foundation seeks to create educational opportunities and increase access to the arts through the development new methodologies of exhibition.

The Foundation holds the largest collection of Robert Frank photographs in the world. As such, we have curated an exhibition of works from the series The Lines of My Hand, available to interested institutions for display. Sample prints, commentaries, and exhibition details can be found here.

And  while we do espouse many of Frank’s works, the core of the Pennwick Foundation’s collection consists of an extensive array of German Expressionist illustrated books and periodicals, all of which are available for loan to educational institutions. Curators of the Pennwick Foundation have assembled sets of original works, along with informational material, into complete, prefabricated exhibitions that the explore the various artists, themes, and techniques associated with the major modernist movement that developed in Germany and Austria during the early decades of the 20th century.

Interested parties with questions regarding the Pennwick Foundation in general, the Pennwick Collection, Pennwick Publishing, educational opportunities, should contact the Pennwick Foundation at 212.744.0340 or